
Pitching Masterclass on ipad or iPhone?

Download the iOS / iPad app. (Android app is still in-progress, sorry.)

Click the AppStore badge or scan the QR to download the app.
Continue the Pitching Masterclass in the app by first signing in
(only available to enrolled members of the Pitching Masterclass).

The Video Player Controls

  • Full Screen (duh)
  • Volume (duhhhhhh - If I sound quiet, turn it up!)
  • Mini Player (pop-out window, convenient if you're working on the deck at the same time)
  • Skip backwards or forwards 10 seconds
  • Quality (Image looking wonky? Set the quality from automatic to high!)
  • Subtitles (English + Deutsch)
  • Speed adjustment (If I sound slow, set the speed to 1.5x and breeze through!)

Deutsch? Einfach Untertitel einschalten. So geht das:

Complete and Continue